The Seattle Chinese Garden will not be accepting Event Rental Requests for dates in September 2024-April 2025.
Choose from two gorgeous spaces for your wedding or private event.
Knowing the Spring Courtyard
Our courtyard is a beautiful outdoor space for larger events and weddings with a maximum of 200 people.
Song Mei Pavilion
This tranquil setting is ideal for smaller events and weddings with a maximum of 30 guests.
Knowing the Spring Courtyard (maximum 200 guests)
$1,200 for 1 to 4 hours (including 1 hour rehearsal time on another day)
$300 for each additional hour
Song Mei Pavilion (maximum 30 guests)
$600 for 1 to 4 hours
$150 for each additional hour
South Seattle College offers excellent catering and reception facilities.
Ample parking in the North Lot of South Seattle College
There are no restrooms down in the Garden proper—Restrooms will be opened for you and your guests located by the Garden Office (3-5 mins. walk)
Banquet Liquor License FAQ:
The Seattle Chinese Garden will not be accepting Event Rental Requests for dates in September 2024-April 2025.