Thanks to your generosity, we raised $56,586!

Watch the videos from our eight-day virtual celebration.

Watch a recording of our live Zoom event!

Seattle Chinese Garden: Past, Present, and Future
Originally aired live on Thursday, August 27

Watch our conversation about the importance of Seattle’s relationship with China, how our Chinese Garden came to be, its unique role in our community, and its future—moderated by Paige Miller, former Commissioner of the Port of Seattle, with:

Jim Dawson, founding president of the Chinese Garden
Mic Dinsmore, former CEO, Port of Seattle
Dennis Eng, Board President of the Chinese Garden
Jerry Lee, Board Chairman Mulvaney G2 Architecture
Bill Stafford, former Deputy Mayor of the City of Seattle
Evelyn Yenson, former Advancement Director, the Seattle Colleges


Thank you to our Bamboo Circle Celebration sponsor Filament Advisors.
